Friday, July 30, 2010

Funny Anna Claire

Anna Claire is not the cuddliest child on the planet! In fact, she prefers to be in CONSTANT motion which limits opportunities to hug. This morning she came into the kitchen and I pulled her into my lap to tell her "Good morning!" She said, "I'm not here to stay. I am looking for my new puppy and toy soldier." And off she went ...
She and Lizzie got to spend a few days with Russ's parents. My mother-in-law took them and their cousins to a museum. When they came out of the museum all the girls decided their dolls were sick. Ellie's doll had Scarlet fever like Beth in "Little Women." Anna Claire's doll had "garlic" fever too. Lizzie's BaBa was sick from drinking too much lake water!
Funny, Funny girls!


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