Thursday, March 17, 2011

Spring Break!

For our pre-spring break (that's what I call it since it won't technically be spring until Monday) we went to the beach with my mom and my good friend from college, Claire. The girls have been anxiously waiting for this trip. We headed out on Monday morning and returned this afternoon. We had a fun trip except for the 30 minutes right after Anna Claire picked up a jellyfish in the water thinking it was a shiny toy!
Claire packed lots of craft activities for the girls to do on our trip including knitting, fusion beads, and making pot holders. Anna Claire LOVED the knitting and Lizzie LOVED the fusion beads!
We also ate yummy food from my favorite beach places, rode bikes, went on sea shell walks and jumped waves!
A lady we know was staying a couple of doors down from us and Anna Claire ran over to pet her puppy and to talk at her. When I went over to retrieve Anna Claire the lady said, " How did I not know you had a 3rd daughter? Anna Claire said she is taking a nap up in the beach house and that she is 15 months old." I quickly told her that Anna Claire is obsessed with calling her new favorite baby doll my 3rd daughter and that I had no plans for number three!
We are happily settled back home and Lizzie is so happy that I moved out her winter clothes and put her spring/summer clothes in her closet!

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