Today I was running on the treadmill in the basement. Anna Claire and Lizzie were suppose to be in their rooms having some alone time. At one point Anna Claire came to the door and yelled, "I need to potty!" So I yelled back, "Go potty then!" I figured Lizzie was most likely running around the house since Anna Claire was not in her room. Much to my surprise, Lizzie came down to the basement in nothing but her pink & purple socks with her "beautiful" Sunday shoes!!! I laughed so hard!
I sent her back upstairs. When I got
upstairs she had put back on her leotard sideways, but
at least she tried. I noticed her panties were different so I asked where her other pair were and Anna Claire yelled from the back of the house, "They got a little wet." I made Lizzie take off the leotard since it was a "little wet" too. Lizzie came back with another leotard which I helped her put on. Then I went down to Anna Claire's room and she wasn't there. Instead she was enjoying alone time with Lizzie in Lizzie's room. When asked why she was in there she said, "Lizzie needed a 5 year old in here with her!"