Sunday, December 26, 2010

Let it snow

We planned to drive to my grandmother's house on the 26th to have Christmas with my extended family. She lives an hour northeast from our house. However, the snow was still falling when we got up Sunday morning and we are not seasoned wintry weather drivers. After a treacherous trip to church that ended in us being told church was canceled for the morning we weren't sure how safe it would be to drive north.

Fortunately, the roads improved for us to make the trip and it was so much fun visiting with my family. Between my brother, myself and my two cousins there are 8 girls - my grandmother has great granddaughters. Ages: 12-6-6-5-4-3-2-1! WOW! All the girls play well together and have fun. This year we got to go play in the snow! Since we don't see snow we don't have sleds so we use laundry baskets!

Merry Christmas!

Lizzie and Anna Claire had a great Christmas even though they did not get a "real cat" or an IPOD touch!

Merry Christmas!

We had a white Christmas in the deep south for the first time that I can ever remember!

Christmas PJs

Every year the girls get to open one present on Christmas Eve and it is always pajamas to sleep in on Christmas Eve night. As you can see the pajamas are so cute! I picked this pair because they have footies and I knew Lizzie would like the silver sparkles on the top. Well Lizzie fell apart at the thought of having to sleep in the pants so she slept in her "sleep skirt." (I think it is a nod to summer time in the southern hemisphere!) Pajama fashion has become all the rage with Lizzie these days and I failed to deliver fashionable pjs for Christmas.
However, on Christmas morning it was very cold and despite herself she had to put the pants back on:)

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Thanksgiving fun!

We met Russ's family at Callaway Gardens and had a great visit! Anna Claire and Lizzie LOVE their cousins and had fun playing together. We went on a hike on one of the trails and rode through the Christmas lights. So much to be thankful for!

Introducing ...

Pinkalicious and Purplicious!

Crazy PJs

Lizzie loves to pick out clothes and why should pajamas be an exception? She has taken bedtime fashion to a whole new level! And why should Anna Claire be left out?


Anna Claire made herself a chain for her glasses so she doesn't loose them!

Monday, November 22, 2010

Mayor Glasses

Anna Claire brought home a pair of camo sun glasses from the prize box at church. She asked me to take out the lenses. Now she wears them around the house as "real mayor" glasses. And now when we ask her to take them off she tells me she can't see - "everything's fuzzy." Luckily she wears her "eyeball contacts" to school!

As gently as I could I told her she doesn't really have the genetics to need glasses until her 40's. This news did not please the mayor!

Indian Pow Wow

Lizzie had her class Indian Pow Wow last week. She picked the Indian name 'Bright Star.' She did a great job singing! She told Russ she "felt like an Indian" on the morning of her Pow Wow. I was glad she felt like an Indian because she wanted to be a pilgrim since they got to wear a dress!

Monday, November 8, 2010


Anna Claire is a great reader! She brings home 3 books every week to read with us and she has been reading those same 3 books the previous week at school. Last week she brought home "Arthur's Valentine." Arthur was getting notes from a secret admirer from school. When Anna Claire read it to me she said "Search Adeemer" for secret admirer!
I love it!

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Disney on Ice

Paula went with me and the girls to see Disney on Ice! I have never been and thought the show was entertaining. Lizzie LOVED it! Anna Claire LOVED the cotton candy! We had a fun girl night.
The next morning we found Anna Claire in her bed just like this :) She was being very fancy!


After we finished trick-or-treating the girls wanted to change around their costumes. Anna Claire looked awesome!

Happy Halloween - belated!

We enjoyed trick -or- treating in our very hilly neighborhood last Sunday night. It's great for cardiovascular exercise!

Anna Claire was Tinkerbelle and Lizzie was Rosetta (Tinkerbelle's friend). They looked precious! I did develop a dislike for the tweens roaming our neighborhood. If you can walk yourself around without parents you're probably too old for trick-or-treating!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

A rare moment ...

Last Sunday I began to be suspicious of the silence coming from the playroom. We found a rare but pleasant surprise: both girls asleep on the couch!

Snaggle Tooth!!!

Anna Claire FINALLY lost her first tooth!!! It has been a whine-filled 24 hours. Hopefully all the teeth after this will go more smoothly.

She is so cute with her "spacey" smile!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Beach Girls

We enjoyed a long weekend at the beach with Russ's parents! The girls had so much fun playing in the sand and waves. We took all of our bikes and rode down to a local ice cream shop. Sounds fun except that it was pitch black at 7pm! For future knowledge: know if the 2 mile bike path has lights!
Thanks to Christopher Columbus for a long weekend and thanks to God for His beautiful creation!

6 1/2!

Today is Anna Claire's half birthday! To commemorate the occasion I have launched into a new campaign with her - it is the time to wear buttons! She has hated buttons since she was 2. According to her they are ugly and they smell bad - what???

I found some really cute dresses for fall that have buttons and in the past I would have not even looked twice at them. This year though we are going to have button therapy! She wore one of her new dresses to school and did really well! I'm hoping 6.5 is the half year of buttons!

News from the Mayor

Anna Claire is the mayor, at least of Lizzie & Hunta. Today riding home from school out of nowhere Anna Claire said, "Mommy, the police are going to come and take Daddy." Intrigued I asked why. She went into this LONG explanation about him driving them to school yesterday and there was a car in front that wouldn't go etc... So I told her I had just gotten a text from daddy and he was at work. She said, "They'll find him soon!" Of course when Russ got home I asked him about the incident. He could not stop laughing! According to him what he did was perfectly legal but he couldn't convince the mayor - she would have none of his reasoning.
I have told Russ that he is starting to become a cantankerous driver and it reminds too much of my dad's driving. One of dad's favorite sayings to cars who wouldn't go "Are you ever going to turn or are you waiting on an engraved invitation?" Tonight I told Russ that Anna Claire and Lizzie were going to have to keep him in line while he drives. No road rage when the mayor is in the car!

Friday, October 1, 2010


Anna Claire and Lizzie have gotten into the routine of school and life is settling down! I went to eat lunch with Lizzie today. She didn't talk to me too much but after she ate her cookies, chips, grapes, and 1/4 sandwich (in that order) she turned around in her chair. I wondered what she was doing and then she started telling me about outfits she liked that other girls were wearing!
Eating lunch with Anna Claire is a totally different story. She talks incessantly and tells everyone she knows "Hello!"

Anna Claire came home singing a Taylor Swift song last week and I asked her where she had learned the song. She told me she was in a Taylor Swift club during recess! She and several other girls practice the songs then sing them for the teachers. It is hysterical because the lyrics are way off! Mom made a video so I'll try to get it from her and post it! I found out today that the Taylor Swift club no longer meets because the director closed it down!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010


With the start of school life has been busy!

Our girls are liking school! Anna Claire has finally stopped telling people that 1st grade is boring, thankfully! She is the self-appointed "Mayor/Queen/Principal" of our family. She told a cashier yesterday that she was 23 years old.

Lizzie loves school and takes it very seriously. So far she has not had to repeat an outfit yet. With 24 days in school I think that is an accomplishment! I have put in what I call Lizzie's Ms. America outfit: bathing suit and Sunday shoes. And thanks to Hunta & Claire, Lizzie and Ruthie now have matching dresses!

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Promotion Sunday

Today was promotion Sunday at church. Anna Claire got to move up to her 1st grade Sunday school class. This is not a Sunday to miss because our pastor gives each 1st grader a Bible. Our church is pretty big so it is a big deal to get a Bible from him. Since this is done in Sunday School parents don't get to see it but one of the workers in the children's department told us that Anna Claire walked up, got her Bible & said thank you. Then she looked at our pastor and said, "I've seen you around here before." Never afraid :)

Friday, August 13, 2010

Lizzie's First Day

The day I thought would never come finally arrived: Lizzie's first day of kindergarten!
She asked Anna Claire to take her to classroom on this first day - of course Anna Claire was overjoyed at this request. We pulled up in the carpool line and the vice principal opened the door. Anna Claire yelled, "Good Morning, Mrs. H... We have a new student today!!!! LIZZIE!" And off they went into the school.

They both had a fun day at school and Lizzie can't wait to go back!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

1st Grade

Anna Claire headed to the first day of first grade! She walked into school without hesitation and had a fun day.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Big Girls

This week is the start of a new era in our family's life: both girls will start elementary school! To get ready we took a trip to Atlanta last weekend and bought Lizzie her American Girl Doll. She picked out Ruthie. She had intended to get Kit but Ruthie was prettier and had better clothes (her words not mine).

We also bought new beds for both girls. Lizzie got her bunk beds she has been wanting for some time and Anna Claire got a full size bed. We spent this weekend transforming their rooms. For Lizzie's 5th birthday she got to pick out a new paint color for her room. It is VERY pink! I call it Ponyville Pink since I feel like I am in a My Little Pony movie. She loves it!

Friday, July 30, 2010

Funny Anna Claire

Anna Claire is not the cuddliest child on the planet! In fact, she prefers to be in CONSTANT motion which limits opportunities to hug. This morning she came into the kitchen and I pulled her into my lap to tell her "Good morning!" She said, "I'm not here to stay. I am looking for my new puppy and toy soldier." And off she went ...
She and Lizzie got to spend a few days with Russ's parents. My mother-in-law took them and their cousins to a museum. When they came out of the museum all the girls decided their dolls were sick. Ellie's doll had Scarlet fever like Beth in "Little Women." Anna Claire's doll had "garlic" fever too. Lizzie's BaBa was sick from drinking too much lake water!
Funny, Funny girls!

Sunday, July 18, 2010

new teachers

This afternoon Anna Claire wanted me to take a picture of the Sunday school class she was teaching. Of course I obliged. Lizzie was the co-teacher. Among the students were BaBa, Baby, Molly, Castle Bear, and (my favorite) Friendship Figaro. Friendship is the new name of one of Lizzie's stuffed cats.

The name is reminiscent of my first real cat: Gloria Splendor!

I asked what Anna Claire was teaching in Sunday school. Her reply: "God!" I greatly appreciate simple theology.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Slidin' Away

We finally have a slide on our play fort! Anna Claire and Lizzie are so excited about an alternate exit from the treehouse. They look forward to many turns down the slide!

Thursday, July 15, 2010


Anna Claire is very interested in muscles these days. Who has the biggest muscles - how big are her muscles... Today my mom told me Anna Claire asked to see her muscles the other day. Mom held her arm up to show her muscles and Anna Claire said, "It didn't work this time Hunta - let's try again."

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Here comes the bride ...

Our cousins from the Sunshine State have come for a visit! Anna Claire has told EVERYONE about her visiting cousins - the bag boy at our grocery store, her gymnastics teacher, Sunday school teachers ...

Tonight I captured the "wedding!" Ellie is the groom. Anna Claire is the bride. Ginnie is the bridesmaid. Lizzie is the flower girl. They are having a great time!

Thursday, July 8, 2010


The girls are sporting 2 of Aunt Paula's outfits. Both are 30+ years old. It's good to know that some things never go out of style!

Can you really ever get too much pink in one outfit?

Summer Fun!

The girls and I are having a great summer! We kicked off our summer by going to Disney for a week in May. In June we went to VBS which both girls LOVE! We have been to the beach and lucky for us - there was no oil.

Our 4th was very relaxing and we enjoyed being home! My brother's girls came to visit and all the girls had a great time together.

Two funnies:

We were at a local bakery and Anna Claire said "Mom, Claire can't come here." Claire is one of my friends and we have been to this bakery with her before so I said, "Why not?" Her reply, "Well mommy, this sign says 'No Smocking.' " I laughed hysterically because it really said "No Smoking."

Lizzie loves to go to a tex-mex restaurant called Salsaritas. A couple of weeks back we were going to supper with my mom and she suggested we go to Moe's. Lizzie said she would rather go to Salsaritas but since Moe's and Salsaritas were cousins she guessed Moe's was OK. Yesterday she and Anna Claire came up with a new set of cousins: Lowe's and Home Depot.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Baby Names

We have some good friends expecting their second little girl in November. Since they do not have a name for the baby Anna Claire and Lizzie offered the following suggestions:
Lizzie - Ella. She stuck hard and fast to Ella.
Anna Claire had several thoughts:
Princess Margaret Rose. Lizzie pointed out that the baby would not be a princess because her parents aren't a king or queen.
Margaret Rose.
Elizabeth. I informed her that their 4 year old we call 'Libby' is actually named Elizabeth. "Well they could have 2" was her reply.
Shawn. Lizzie said, "That's her mommy's name." Anna Claire said, "Well they could have 2." Again.
And the name Anna Claire has decided for this new baby "Doggie. It's such a pretty name."
I hope to remind her of this suggestion when she's pregnant!

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Den of torture

It has been awhile since I have posted anything (we've been a little busy and I got a new computer) but I have a great post tonight.

Last week Anna Claire discovered an inch worm in our yard which she decided to "care for." Her first inside pet. She found a shoe box and some dead leaves and made a "home" for Inchie the inch worm. She poured all her love and affection and attention on Inchie for two hours that night. Of course, Inchie quickly passed away because of all the "caring." This fact was completely missed by Anna Claire. She simply dismissed it as "sleeping." The next day at lunch she remembered Inchie and went to check on him. She came back to me and said, "O no, mom! Inchie is dead!" And that was it. She made a smooth transition to the next thing that received ALL her love, affection & devotion - like My Little Ponies.

Tonight Anna Claire found a roly poly to "care for." Her name is Roly Ball. Unfortunately for Roly Ball, she is still alive. But I'm sure it won't take any time to remedy that. After all, Roly Ball is now in the shoe box which I have named the "den of torture."

Thursday, May 13, 2010

New hairdos!

Our summer haircuts! Anna Claire said her teacher would think there is a new student in class today :)


Lizzie is an official graduate of preschool!

Monday, May 10, 2010

A funny letter

I found this letter on Lizzie's bedroom floor last night! Hysterical:)

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Saddle Up Partner!

We went to a birthday party today and the girl's got to ride a horse! Both of them loved it!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010


My dad would have been 63 today. To celebrate Paula brought a bag a Cheetos over to eat in his honor! Cheetos were one of his favorite foods. Anna Claire sang "Happy Birthday" to him in her own special way:
"Happy Birthday to heaven
happy birthday to heaven
Happy birthday dear PaPaul
happy birthday to heaven!"

After my Bible study time I sometimes read a day in "Prayers for the Faithful." Today I felt especially compelled to read this book. The verse God gave me was Psalm 56:3-4 "When I am afraid I will trust in you. In God, whose word I praise, in God I trust; I will not be afraid. What can mortal man do to me?"
Almost 8 years ago a "mortal man" killed my father but that same man sent my dad into the presence of his heavenly Father. And this same "mortal man" has sent me to humbly bow before my heavenly Father almost every day for 8 years. When I am afraid I will trust in you. In God, whose word I praise, in God I trust; I will not be afraid. What has mortal man done to me?

Wednesday, April 14, 2010


Happy 6th Birthday, Anna Claire!

She has been planning this day since October and it is finally here.

She got a play fort for her birthday and she loves it!

fleet lawsuit