Monday, June 28, 2010

Baby Names

We have some good friends expecting their second little girl in November. Since they do not have a name for the baby Anna Claire and Lizzie offered the following suggestions:
Lizzie - Ella. She stuck hard and fast to Ella.
Anna Claire had several thoughts:
Princess Margaret Rose. Lizzie pointed out that the baby would not be a princess because her parents aren't a king or queen.
Margaret Rose.
Elizabeth. I informed her that their 4 year old we call 'Libby' is actually named Elizabeth. "Well they could have 2" was her reply.
Shawn. Lizzie said, "That's her mommy's name." Anna Claire said, "Well they could have 2." Again.
And the name Anna Claire has decided for this new baby "Doggie. It's such a pretty name."
I hope to remind her of this suggestion when she's pregnant!

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