Tuesday, March 30, 2010

A new club

Today when I picked up Anna Claire from school she said she had plans to go to Jane's house for a club meeting. Intrigued I asked, "What kind of club?" Anna Claire replied, "A Poop Club! But Jane's mom says 'Don't even start with that.'" She and Lizzie were laughing hysterically. I was less amused because potty humor is far to common at our house. I suggested they rename their club the friendship club. Anna Claire liked that and made a banner that said "Frindship Clab."
After we had been home she said, "It's time to go to Jane's house." I explained that if parents are not involved in their plans there is no plan. Anna Claire suggested I call Jane's mom and tell her the girls were coming over.
Maybe I'll start a club called the "Manners Club."

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Alternate Universe

Have you seen the Hidden Valley Ranch commercial where they have kids begging for more vegetables? The one with the Salad eating contest at the county fair? Somehow tonight our house was transported to Hidden Valley. I made chicken caesar salad for supper. Russ and I both had lettuce, broccoli, carrots, and chicken. I made the girls each a bowl of lettuce, chicken, & Hidden Valley Ranch. We all had italian bread with our salads.
You would have thought I fed them the largest piece of birthday cake ever. They both told me how "wonderful" our supper was. "Can we have this every night mommy?" Russ and I both got hugs during supper thanking us for the "best dinner ever!" Then Lizzie gave the highest compliment of all, "Mommy, this tastes better than Chicken-fila chicken nuggets." I fell back in my chair in utter shock. I thought for a moment I was being Punked!
I'm still unsure of what happened but they both ate all their salads ...

Spanish for bottom

After school today Lizzie said, "Anna Claire! Do you know what Mrs. Fish (she's the Spanish teacher at Lizzie's preschool) said today? 'Sit on your hiney!'" They laughed and laughed. Then Anna Claire said, "Hiney must be bottom in Spanish!"
So I called Mrs. Fish to tell her the good news. Honestly, I am afraid Anna Claire will try to tell some of our Spanish-speaking friends the word for bottom.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Happy Days

Happy feet!

Happy Pajama Day! Lizzie has looked forward to this day all year. Finally "P" week has come to her preschool.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Check In

We have a computer system in our church nursery that prints out name tags for children. For close to 5 years we have used this system. Well, Anna Claire is now reading EVERYTHING she sees. Yesterday, Russ walked her to her class and they passed one of the computers and she noticed the sign above the computer "Check-In." She said, "Daddy, I know what that sign says: Chicken."

Thursday, March 4, 2010

The President

The other day Anna Claire said, "Mommy, which president do we go for? Do we go for Arack Obama?" And I said, "Well, there is only one option right now so we go for him and we pray for him." Then I said, "Do you have friends at school that go for Arack Obama?" She said, "Yeah, some do but lots of them don't."
The topics of 5 year old conversations intrigue me!


While I was volunteering in Anna Claire's library this week I came across a book about the Titanic. I found out that the ship hit the infamous iceberg on April 14, 1912. Interestingly, Anna Claire was born on April 14th. Then I remembered that Lizzie was born the day Hurricane Katrina left its mark on New Orleans.
So now when my girls are being so DRAMATIC we refer to them as Rose (from the Titanic movie) and Katrina!
In fact, Rose is making her appearance right now ... gotta go before we sink!

fleet lawsuit