Thursday, March 25, 2010

Alternate Universe

Have you seen the Hidden Valley Ranch commercial where they have kids begging for more vegetables? The one with the Salad eating contest at the county fair? Somehow tonight our house was transported to Hidden Valley. I made chicken caesar salad for supper. Russ and I both had lettuce, broccoli, carrots, and chicken. I made the girls each a bowl of lettuce, chicken, & Hidden Valley Ranch. We all had italian bread with our salads.
You would have thought I fed them the largest piece of birthday cake ever. They both told me how "wonderful" our supper was. "Can we have this every night mommy?" Russ and I both got hugs during supper thanking us for the "best dinner ever!" Then Lizzie gave the highest compliment of all, "Mommy, this tastes better than Chicken-fila chicken nuggets." I fell back in my chair in utter shock. I thought for a moment I was being Punked!
I'm still unsure of what happened but they both ate all their salads ...

1 comment:

JakeFishandBoys said...

I'm going to try this! Both boys love salad at our house (sometimes Miles will prefer it over whatever meat we are having)! I'll let you know how it goes!


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