Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Tricky Teeth

Sweet sisters reading together!
When my girls were babies I would hear other moms talk about how their kids would be up all night crying while they were teething. We never had a minutes trouble when Anna Claire and Lizzie got their baby teeth. Let me say that pay back has been exponential as baby teeth come out and big teeth come in. Lizzie has only lost her bottom two teeth and spent more than a few minutes crying tonight because everyone else in her class has lost more than her. Anna Claire's teeth have been interesting! She lost the bottom two in first grade and their replacements came right in - no big deal! She lost one front tooth back in December and their is no replacement in sight - seriously! She also lost two more bottom teeth and no big teeth in sight for them either. Imagine my surprise in August when her other big tooth just started coming in and she had not even lost the one it's suppose to replace. This may seem trivial but we have spent the last SIX weeks trying to get the baby tooth out before the big tooth covered it completely. Blood, sweat and tears. FINALLY tonight Russ was able to pull it out!!! She wrote the tooth fairy a note that she should get more than $1 because it was so much trouble. I disagree - I think Russ should get the extra money for his patience and diligence!

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Where does it come from?

Anna Claire writes stories all the time and today was no exception. We bought some new wide-ruled paper at WalMart today and as soon as we got home she went to her room to write. Tonight as we were having family time on the couch she wanted Russ to read her story aloud to me and Lizzie. The story is about a girl named Ellen who has trouble paying attention in school. Ellen also has about 6 siblings and the best part - her last name is Willderbqu. It's a combination word with "Wilder" and "Barbecue." Russ almost fell off the couch laughing!

We also had an interesting discussion about Jews and Gentiles.
Anna Claire: "Now who's the good ones and who's the bad? We're Gentiles so we must be good."
Lizzie: "It's not good or bad - it's just where they're from. God loves us all."
I love Lizzie's ability to see through the confusion and get straight to the point!

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