Monday, November 22, 2010

Mayor Glasses

Anna Claire brought home a pair of camo sun glasses from the prize box at church. She asked me to take out the lenses. Now she wears them around the house as "real mayor" glasses. And now when we ask her to take them off she tells me she can't see - "everything's fuzzy." Luckily she wears her "eyeball contacts" to school!

As gently as I could I told her she doesn't really have the genetics to need glasses until her 40's. This news did not please the mayor!

Indian Pow Wow

Lizzie had her class Indian Pow Wow last week. She picked the Indian name 'Bright Star.' She did a great job singing! She told Russ she "felt like an Indian" on the morning of her Pow Wow. I was glad she felt like an Indian because she wanted to be a pilgrim since they got to wear a dress!

Monday, November 8, 2010


Anna Claire is a great reader! She brings home 3 books every week to read with us and she has been reading those same 3 books the previous week at school. Last week she brought home "Arthur's Valentine." Arthur was getting notes from a secret admirer from school. When Anna Claire read it to me she said "Search Adeemer" for secret admirer!
I love it!

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Disney on Ice

Paula went with me and the girls to see Disney on Ice! I have never been and thought the show was entertaining. Lizzie LOVED it! Anna Claire LOVED the cotton candy! We had a fun girl night.
The next morning we found Anna Claire in her bed just like this :) She was being very fancy!


After we finished trick-or-treating the girls wanted to change around their costumes. Anna Claire looked awesome!

Happy Halloween - belated!

We enjoyed trick -or- treating in our very hilly neighborhood last Sunday night. It's great for cardiovascular exercise!

Anna Claire was Tinkerbelle and Lizzie was Rosetta (Tinkerbelle's friend). They looked precious! I did develop a dislike for the tweens roaming our neighborhood. If you can walk yourself around without parents you're probably too old for trick-or-treating!

fleet lawsuit