Monday, February 1, 2010

"I'm not as good as I once was ...

... but I'm as good once as I ever was." - Toby Keith

My friend used this song lyric to symbolize Russ's alumni soccer game this weekend! The alumni from his high school played a soccer game against the current team. The alumni won again this year! The field was so wet after receiving 3 inches of rain the night before. And it was COLD - at least for the spectators.

Russ had his own cheerleaders and I think they were instrumental in the win! Lizzie's new career choice is to be a cheerleader and she is on her way! We had some confusion: "Is the other team Alabama and Daddy's team is Auburn?" and "We only want daddy to win not the other boys on his team!"

Despite the cold and wet we had a fun time seeing old friends!

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