Monday, September 29, 2008

sleeping commando

Friday night I was scrapbooking so Russ was in charge of getting the girls to bed. After bath time he told Anna Claire to go into her room and put on underwear and her PJs. Much to my surprise on Saturday morning she didn't have on underwear. And to make it worse she had been outside in her PJs playing in the mulch by our swing set - that couldn't have felt good! When asked where her panties were she immediately said, "They fell off!" Then she said, "Daddy took them away." Then, and finally the truth, she said, "I couldn't find my Dora panties so I didn't put any on for the night."


Phh said...

Is she following in Uncle Bubby's footsteps? AC is so funny!

melanie said...

let's hope not!


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