"Remember twirling skirts? Most little girls go through a season when they will not wear anything if it does not twirl (and if it sparkles, so much the better). Hours and hours of endless play result from giving little girls a box filled with hats, scarves, necklaces and clothes. Dime store beads are priceless jewels; hand-me-down pumps become glass slippers. Once dressed, they dance around the house or preen in front of the mirror. Their young hearts intuitively want to know they are lovely. Some will ask with words, "Am I lovely?" Others will simply ask with their eyes. Verbal or not, whether wearing a shimmery dress or covered in mud, all little girls want to know. As a young songwriter recently wrote,
I want to be beautiful
I want to be beautiful
and make you stand in awe
look inside my heart
and be amazed
I want to hear you say
who I am is quite enough
I just want to be worthy of love
and beautiful
-Bethany Dillion, "Beautiful"
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