Monday, February 16, 2009


Yesterday we got up super early (530am) and went to give out water for a big race downtown. Luckily, our water stop had a playground on it so the girls played while we got the water/powerade poured into cups. The race started at 7am and we were at the first water stop. The girls watched us give out water to the runners then Anna Claire started helping. She yelled, "Water, runners! Water!" There were thousands of runners and she loved helping. Once the walkers started coming through she would get in the middle of the street to hand them their water. Toward the end a couple came walking by and Anna Claire gave the lady a cup of water and told her she could share it with her husband! SO FUNNY!!!
Lizzie was "frozen" but she had fun too. Her favorite runner was the full-grown man with a long goatee wearing a pink leotard, pink tutu, and pink tights. Any suggestions on how to explain that to a 3 year old???

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