Friday, October 16, 2009


Today was our first cold day this year and Lizzie has been planning this outfit for several weeks. Very "rainbow" and "polka dot"! These two terms are compliments to Lizzie. If you want to get on her good side tell her how "rainbow" she looks!

Anna Claire goes to the library at school on Friday and today she checked out "Football." I inquired how she chose this particular book and she said it was for daddy so he won't have to watch football on Saturday. Instead he can read about it! Then she started "reading" the book which meant she made up what the book said and this is basically how the story went:
"All the boys cheered because they were going to play a football game. They kicked the ball and ran around. Then two of the teams said 'Hey we all want to be winners! So we will both win the game!' 'Yeah' they cheered! And they all lived happily ever after." It is nice when everyone gets to win!

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