Tuesday, May 10, 2011


Today we went home from school by a lemonade stand that was raising money for Red Cross tornado victims. The girls were super excited to eat brownies and cookies in the middle of the afternoon! When we left the lemonade stand our local high school was just getting out and I made the mistake of driving through all the traffic. High school kids were everywhere; walking to their cars, to their houses, down the street.
This was the conversation that went on in my back seat:
Anna Claire: Are these all high schoolers?
Me: Yes.
Lizzie: They don't look very fancy. They look just like us.
Anna Claire: Well, this is not like Troy and Gabriella's high school! (High School Musical reference for those who have been living under a rock for the last 5 years)
Lizzie: Some of them, a lot of them just have on jeans and tshirts. Not fancy at all!

1 comment:

Nancy said...

I'm sure VHS will be fancy when they go there.


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