Thursday, August 20, 2009


Anna Claire is LOVING school! She is very tired at night but she seems to really like being in big school. You would assume she is my child that would tell me EVERY detail of her day but getting information out of her is like pulling teeth. For instance, "Who are your friends at school?" Her reply, "Everyone in my class, mom!"
Yesterday I asked her if she liked playing in P.E. She said, "We do not play in PE." I said "That's right! You exercise." Then in total disgust of my ignorance she said, "It's not exercise it is PE that we do in there." I'm guessing we haven't explained that PE stands for Physical Exercise.

Another funny, this one from Lizzie. My friend kept Lizzie last week while I worked for a couple of hours and they watched The Sound of Music together. Lizzie called the Abbey where the nuns live a "Nun Castle." So funny!!!

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